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Anne knows well the gift of moving out of your comfort zone

If you ever looked at me in my adult life, you would see an emotionally stable, successful adult and professional.


Yet the calm surface hid a bubbling cauldron of unresolved “stuff.” I didn’t know how much I had pushed down in my heart because instinctively I believed it was too disturbing. I didn’t wake up to my distressed heart for a long time, rooted in all the conventional paths in life.

A major shift occurred eight years ago that took me off the well-traveled road. I felt Intuition guide me to write a chapter then a book including a unique method of inner child healing that proved very powerful and healing. I was satisfied and thought I was done.

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"The Universe has more adventures for us."

Then I found the MAP ("Make Anything Possible") Program and quickly decided to become a practitioner.

MAP proved to be the most revolutionary, comprehensive, and deeply rewarding program imaginable. Personally, my MAP sessions led me deep into my internal world to see and release my earliest pains. Professionally, I am ready and excited to help others do the same.

Acknowledging that you are stuck or aching for more or recognizing the wounds of your heart is the first step. With MAP you can release your pain to find the joy, peace, love, and Spirit found deep in your heart.

Decades in the Making

With all my decades of life experience and training, I invite you to be curious about how we might walk together in your journey home to your heart. My spiritual practices emphasizes Oneness–encouraging Awareness, Acceptance, Curiosity, Forgiveness, Compassion, Trust, and Stillness.

I combine my 40+ years as a therapist, life coach, healer of myself and others, and as a MAP ("make anything possible") practitioner to help individuals walk the healing path as I've done myself. It's nothing I'm doing from books or strictly from any training program. I've walked the walk. Intuition or Spirit guides me in all that I do.

Anne K Uemura, PhD


PS: I have a PhD in Clinical Psychology. Became a certified life coach in 2008, and in other programs later. I also trained in many other modalities such as Neurological Repatterning, Psych-K, Theta Healing, Matrix Energetics…


However, the healing I received through my inner child work, MAP, and walking with Spirit through One with God is what was truly transformational.

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